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This March Printed fence and trade site wrap solutions

Wholesale Trade Printing | Corflute® Printing

Printed Temp Fence Wrap from $4.55 | March -10% SALE

- For Buyers

1. Who is our customer?

We supply American designers & wholesale buyers that can setup and self upload their creative output files correctly for INSTANT printing on large banner sign machines.

Their files are automatically placed into the printing queue and printing begins without human involvement.

"Their price is half of banner retailers".

Market Brands

A successful file with fold over bleed is needed.

Correct design specifications must be used for automatic printing. If you are unsure how to setup or create a file suited for automatic wholesale printing, please watch our handy videos or employ a professional graphic designer to assist you.

If you are unsure how to do this please watch our 'How To' videos, pass on our details to your design team or contact our Professional Services 'Let Us Design' team. Let Us Design allows you attach and send un-composed draft files/logos and we do it all for you. This month $1 Setup!  Conditions Apply*

2. How it works

Human involvement is minimized. has many automated systems and machines working that start the moment you approve your Instant Preview and pay.

Also see: How to pay

Your Line Items are automatically pre-flighted and placed into the Print Queue. Then, after the previous customer order finishes, it moves onto the PRINT CONVEYOR and is then PRINTED, It then moves through the DRYING SYSTEM and onto the CUTTING BED and is then unwound and CUT TO MATERIAL OVER SIZE, suitable for sewing and finishing of your finished order size, During and after the sewing stages your order may also have secondary fittings applied such as GROMMETS

Your order will pass 56 automated inspections and 18+ human inspections.

"You can track each stage and watch as your order moves around the factory and to your door"... See MyPage Demo here

If you are unsure how to create a graphic file
We suggest you employ a professional graphic designer who can set your correct Photoshop PDF files using the Easy Template Maker.

• Sign Companies • Design Firms • Event Managers

Supplying a range of wholesalers and professional agencies directly from the factory.

SBO's Web2Print Technology Immediate Action
NO login required Using the latest browser technologies, you can order without needing an account. No login. Read More
Escrow 10 Day Buyer Protection included free. Release payment to the factory when your order arrives.
Order Placement Automated systems ticket the item and proceed thru pre-flight steps. Zero human involvement required.
Pre-Flight Success Line items are assigned to printing machinery and material load. Zero human involvement required.
Notifications Via MyPage access or via email.
  • Production Commencement
  • Printing Stage Completion
  • Cutting & Inspection
  • Sewing & Finishing
  • Quality Control & Packaging
  • Dispatch
Tracking Estimated Time to Dispatch ETD, Automated MyPage stage updates and Customer Self Manage Shipping component.

How the order process works

Within a few steps you can manage all your wholesale orders and track all features.

Use the Order & Upload Calculator

Input your quantity, choices and options using the calculator for each line item and clicking 'Add Item to Quote'

Enter Your Name and Shipping Details

This is your shipping label and printable receipt. Details are used for shipping purposes only.

Upload your banner print ready file

Upload your banner print ready file for each line item. An Instant Preview will appear matched to each line item.

Approve each online preview proof

Next to each Instant Preview is an approve button. Approve, remove or re-upload.

Complete PayPal

Pay the full amount via PayPal using credit cards, company account or login.
Funds are processed and held in a neutral bank account.
After completing PayPal payment you will be automatically redirected back to your special 'MyPage' on where you can track all aspects of your order.

Payments are held in a neutral fund until you release them.

You can order now, receive your goods and finalize payment release to the factory later.

Release payment to the factory
Ten Day Buyer Protection (included free)

Your payment is held in protection for up-to 10 days before being released from a neutral bank account.

We hold the funds in a third party bank account until the client has approved the completed work and authorized us to pay the factory.

  • You can order now, pay and be comforted knowing your product will arrive.
  • Proceed through the Quote & Upload cart steps and pay. Your payment will be held in a neutral account.
  • Payment to the factory is released after your goods are received by you.
  • Funds are held in a neutral account for up-to 10 days.
  • Disputes are instantly solved.
  • You can also Finalize payment anytime within 10 days to complete the action.
Watch as your order moves around the factory and to your door

At your special 'MyPage' on SignsBannersOnline you can...

  • Printable receipt
  • Statement of wholesale supply
  • Track your order
  • Track your parcel
  • Finalize the order and release payment to the factory when your goods arrive.

A successful file with fold over bleed is needed.

Correct design specifications must be used for automatic printing. If you are unsure how to create a file suited for automatic wholesale printing, please watch our handy videos or employ a professional graphic designer to assist you.

Artwork SpecificationsEasy Template Maker

3. How a product is made

From large master size rolls, we need MATERIAL OVER SIZE (fold over bleed) that is machine positioned, printed, cut to Material Over Size, edges are folded over and sewn.

This is then called Finished Order Size.

Hems Requirements: MOS Edges. Actions: Folded over and sewn.

Pole Pockets Requirements: MOS Edges AND MOS Pole Pocket Edges. Actions: Folded over and sewn, Tunnelled over and sewn.

Grommet Eyelets Requirements: MOS Edges (1). Actions: Folded over sewn (1) and Punching and Sealing grommet THRU THE HEMS (2).

Webbing Requirements: MOS Edges Actions: Folded over with Webbing inside sewn hem.

Hook n Loop Fastener Requirements: MOS Edges Actions: Folded over and sewn WITH fastener sewn on rear.

Wedge Edges No fold over bleed. Require finished order size only. Wedge edge is sewn to edge position.

Knife edges only No Fold over bleed. Require finished order size only.

A quick overview of how hems/pole pockets products are made

How a banner sign product is made

Standard Hem Drawing

Material Over Size (fold over bleed) summary

Fittings: Grommet Eyelet Placement Positions

Grommet Eyelet Placement Positons

Fittings: Distance Apart

The distance options for choosing distance apart

4. Upload Custom Creative

Easy Steps... Select product, Generate custom size, Upload, Pre-flight, Factory.

When ordering, you will be prompted to add creative for each LINE ITEM using the Order & Upload Calculator steps.

You'll need ONE Photoshop PDF (single page PDF) for each line item, so that when its time for printing and generating your Instant Preview, the system knows you have different line items for each creative design.

Once your UPLOAD IS COMPLETE an Instant Preview will appear allowing you to confirm all the details of your Line Items suited for instant printing.

TIP: Design your photoshop files ONE to ONE This means, 1:1 actual size. Avoid down-scaling

We supply designers and buyers that can 'self-upload' their custom creative output files correctly for INSTANT printing on large banner sign machines. This company is the better one to talk to for your custom banner printing because they only make custom.

Custom upload

5. Instant Proof

Instantly a 'proofing image' is available.

When you upload a correct file, Signs Banners Online automatically creates a proofing image for you to inspect.

"Absolutely brilliant visions!"

When you upload a correct file, Signs Banners Online automatically creates a proofing image for you to inspect.

6. Checkout

Approve each Line Item and pay via PayPal or Credit Card. We accept all major cards.

Payment is automatically confirmed, your order will commence and you will receive an email to your Inbox giving you access to your special 'MyPage Tracking' system where you can track various stages of production.

Printing begins... congratulations!

"Watch as your order moves around the factory and to your door."

United States Signs Banners Online Discount Logo

Mar -- Custom Work -- Did you know 90% of our work is custom size to your needs? It's easy... Ask us how.

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