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Banner Shop > Design Competitions > 12' x 4' Vinyl Banner | 40" x 65" Custom Posters

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Design Competition: Custom Posters for Window Display

Top Window Dressing Competition

Powerful addition to the shop window, the graphic demonstrates clearly the fresh new style available and leads the viewer to the focus of the store... shoes.

entryID: CA555281

Hanging fabric poster HUGE display style banner with printed graphics. This is an excellent example of quality graphic design matched to manufacturing and printing using large format printing machines to make banner signs.

Big Bands of Color

entryID: CA512548

Custom Posters for Window Display

Nice touch of 'expected graphic'

Stores theme their designs suited to their customers perceptions, this elegant inclusion of the bow tie reinforces to the viewer the 'expected' goods inside the store - mens fashions. Brilliant concept. Well done. USA Finalist.

entryID: CA545791

Custom Posters for Window Display Grunge style with chalk board border design on the custom poster idea

Conceptual Poster Design layouts for visual merchandizing brand manager.

Taking fashion posters to a modern output, these two conceptual posters for the shop display window or chain give the retail visual manager a brief of how the store display will look in its surroundings.

entryID: CA525352

Taking fashion posters to a modern output, these two conceptual posters for the shop display window or chain give the retail visual manager a brief of how the store display will look in its surroundings.

Use of models and suggestive photographic poses.

Many fashion retailers and chains employ professional local photographers and models to enhance the new release clothing for the season, then we print the large posters for shops.

entryID: CA525688

Custom Posters for Window Display MODELS wearing the latest fashion

Dominant Element

Making ONE creative element stand out more, the large word SALE is emphasized with red color and bolder font treatment on the custom poster for the shop sale.

entryID: CA525698

Custom Posters for Window Display, Large SALE

Creative Works

Use powerful, new creative works to be noticed amongst the busy noise of retailing.

entryID: CA533268

Custom Posters for Window Display Creative Works - United Kingdom

Mixing Font sizes and Color diagonals for effect.

Both of these poster designs are excellent. They show excellence for creative color, font application and importantly this style of design WILL present excellent visually once inside a glass window display for your visual merchandizing and store window dressing.

Both these posters are brilliantly designed and would be ideal for your banner.

entryID: CA5211148

Custom Posters for Window Display Mixing Font sizes and Color diagonals for effect.

Sale DAY management and Sales Strategies

Seasonal and SALE DAY posters, you can manage various elements of a custom poster with creative design and sale management strategies.

Secondly, you can also see how using elements in the background help create life of the poster, your graphic designer will be able to supply you with all you need to print a large window banner sign for your business, it's all based on time so the more options and fees you allow them, the deeper the result.

entryID: CA568692

Custom Posters for Window Display used for sales management


"Using photographs as the background THEME to place an intuitive feeling on the poster is a great effect for mood and life". These custom posters tell a nice story even before you read the text.

entryID: CA56589

Custom Posters for Window Display

People are clever!

This entry shows the versatility of the artist, their creative juices and how they are able to envisage a result. Brilliant work. IF you wish contact any of the presented artists just let us know. Signs Banners Online is a website by designers for designers so we'd love to put you in touch with the creative brilliance you see here.

entryID: CA10158

Set of graphic Custom Posters for Window Display with different themes and color choices

A little bit different

Use contrast colors or constrasting blends, there are many ways your graphic design firm can put forward the poster suited to your business goals.

entryID: CA523008

Custom Posters for Window Display

From old to new...

When you select a quality designer, their talent and experience is what you are looking for. Many clients demand a themeset that is best suited to a particular design firm, free-lance illustrator or vendor with associated skills, let us know and well put you in touch with the relevant 'theme' supplier.

entryID: CA512698

Custom Posters for Window Display. From old to new.


If you need composition and setting of language on the posters, SBO's resources are available. We access professional graphic designers globally so setting your design in any language is possible with Signs Banners Online global.

entryID: CA98624

Custom Posters for Window Display. International Languages.


Discounting on the poster is a great way to quickly inform the customer of price reductions, the sale poster can be stored in the back room for each promotion.

entryID: CA21821

Custom Sale Posters with 50% discount.

Color and Life

Purposing your retail displays with color is a great way to be different. Swap ideas, graphic panels and make the window posters interesting.

entryID: CA21821b

Custom Sale Posters three versions Red Yellow White

Sale Posters with RED

Use RED as a primary color because people associate red with SALE, this well established color of red splash is hot.

entryID: CA21821c

Sale Posters with RED

End of Season and Clear-out

Keep a set of fabric posters in the back store ready for quick promotions

entryID: CA98441

End of season poster


Variation of red white blue nationals, use colors that appeal to your base.

entryID: CA90823

End of season poster

Uniquely Bold

This excellent example of the sale poster shows the graphic being bold, so that the message is simple and the visual merchandizing manager can allocate resources to the shop window display. Brilliant concept. Well done.

entryID: CA98433

End of season poster

Go USA Poster Color set


Modernize your designs using the fabric qualities of Dye-Sublimation printing for the show window poster.

entryID: CA2863a

Poster Sale

Reflective and Wow!

When you really have something special to advertise, give your designers the time to give you wow! Graphic design is time spent, the you allow your team to work on the creative, the bigger the impact. Brilliant reflective gold lettering. Superb.

entryID: CA2544

Reflective Photoshop Poster Sale

Color Setting

Skilled graphic designers know how to set colors for your business and how to manipulate color value. If you need help with setup of color, there are many leading designers to talk with.

entryID: CA22114e

Color Sets of Posters for shop windows display and window dressing

Bold or Light

Set your graphic outcomes suited to bold or light, deep or contrast. Instructions to the creator will ensure that you have the best result when instructing how to start graphic design

entryID: CA22114e

Poster Sale


There are now many stock photo sites that allow you purchase photos for your design. Take your time to find the perfect image.

entryID: CA4551

Poster Sale

Block Color

Simplicity of block color will lift the visuals of your posters. Ideal for marketing the window display.

entryID: CA42661

Block Posters in Color

Mix it up

Choose a design that you might not first think of... it's fresh, unique and others will see it too.

entryID: CA42661

Block Posters in Color

© Copyright. Competiton rights reserved. These entries are for evaluation only and not yet authorized for production.

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