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This March Printed fence and trade site wrap solutions

Wholesale Trade Printing | Corflute® Printing

Printed Temp Fence Wrap from $4.55 | March -10% SALE

Design Competitions > 12' x 4' Vinyl Banner | 40" x 65" Custom Posters | 12' x 6' Vinyl Banner

Who would you choose as the winner?

Brief: Create a 12 ft x 6 ft vinyl banner using big bold graphics that look lifelike with 3d effects and lighting.

Vinyl Banner Competition

August 2 Entries

Lifelike Vinyl Banner

Design Vinyl Banner

Brief: Create a 40" x 65" custom poster for hanging in a shop window sign using big bold graphics that could be printed on 14oz for a retailer or franchise

Color Serie Poster for shop window dressing competition

August 24 Entries

Custom Posters

Design custom posters for shop windows

Brief: Create a 12' x 4' vinyl banner using vector graphics with a USA sporting theme. The vinyl banner could be printed on 14oz for a retailer or franchise event.

Nice stylized match for the font vs logo on the outside banner printing sign file.

July 27 Entries

Vinyl Banners

Design vinyl banners for 14oz outdoor

© Copyright. Competiton rights reserved. These entries are for evaluation only and not yet authorized for production.

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